Monday, April 30, 2007
Feel Our Wrath
Bwahahaha... You all come out animals, i come out the most powerful predator all of time; MEN! (EmoPeror 1 - Everyone else 0).
Can't beat right (unless you got a picture of God.. NOOO)? Better than that, i don't even have to think of anything to write since you all already know what US (not U.S) humans are capable of. Sharp teeth? We got things to remove them.. Poisonous venom? We can extract it and find an antidote.. There's a reason why WE are at the top of the food chain.. and yes, we literally do eat most other living things (sometimes even each other - evil laugh).
[Everyone else: "CHEAT!"] Where got cheat? Out sister site, National Geographic also does series-es on homo sapiens. SO, technically I'm NOT cheating... I'm just bringing out the heavy artillery early in the war. Not satisfied? Talk to my evil human hands!
THE END (of everything.. BWAHAHAHA *cough cough choke*)
Saturday, April 28, 2007
This calls for reinforcements.

Golden Eagles often have a division of labour while hunting: one partner drives the prey to its waiting partner. They have very good eyesight and can spot prey from a long distance. The talons are used for killing and carrying the prey, the beak is used only for eating. The talons of a Golden Eagle are thought to be more powerful than the hand and arm strength of any human being. Their prey includes marmots, hares and mice, and sometimes birds, martens, foxes, young deer and livestock especially sheep and goats. During winter months when prey is scarce, Golden Eagles scavenge on carrion to supplement their diet.
Eat your heart out.
P.s. Sorry for the non-graphic-ness of these few posts. I need some time to get graphical topic/images. Be patient.
Friday, April 27, 2007
the war continues

ready to fight..
my mongoose eats you snakes
Snakes. Attack.


King Cobra
A venomous snake is a snake that uses modified saliva, venom, delivered through fangs in its mouth, to immobilize or kill its prey. Venomous snakes include several families of snakes and do not constitute a formal classification group used in taxonomy. The term poisonous snake is false - poison is inhaled or ingested whereas venom is injected.
I'll be awaiting your next move, Kaeru.
Over and out.
Astrology : Gemini
Kaeru's Gemini.
In terms of geography Gemini is linked with England, Australia, USA, Apulia, Sardinia, Java, and Sakha Republic.
Among medieval astrologers, Gemini was thought of as a fortunate sign, and its subjects were considered to possess the qualities of intense devotion, genius, largeness of mind, goodness, and liberality. Gemini is also governed by Mercury, the planet of communications.
Talking, Novelty and the unusual, Variety in life, Multiple projects all going at once, Reading
Feeling tied down, Learning, such as school, Being in a rut, Mental inaction, Being alone
Thursday, April 26, 2007

Juvenile Dendrobates tinctorius "Cobalt"
Colostethus flotator in Costa Rica
Red and Blue "Blue Jeans" poison dart frog, Dendrobates pumilio Strawberry Poison Dart Frog.
Astrology : Scorpio
Scorpio is the eighth sign of the Zodiac and associated with intensity, passion, and power. Individuals born under this sign are thought to have a complex, analytical, patient, keenly perceptive, inquisitive, focused, determined, hypnotic, and self-contained character, but one which is also prone to extremity, jealousy, envy, secretiveness, possessiveness, cruelty and cunning. In terms of anatomy, Scorpio is said to rule the pelvis, reproductive system and urinary system. In terms of geography Scorpio is linked with Picardie, Navarre, El Salvador and Buryatia.
Medieval astrologers believed that "By virtue of its tail armed with its powerful sting, the Scorpion creates natures ardent for war and active service, which rejoices in plenteous bloodshed and in carnage more than in plunder. When warfare is in abeyance, they find themselves foes to attack, there are those who enjoy mockfights and joust in arms and devote their leisure to the study of war and every pursuit which arises."
Scorpio is traditionally thought to be ruled by the planet Mars, but in recent years many astrologers have labeled Pluto as the ruler or co-ruler, attributing the intensity associated with the sign to the planet's influence.
In mythology Scorpio is often associated with Orpheus, from the Greek myth of Orpheus and Eurydice. Scorpio is also associated with the Greco-Roman gods Ares/Mars and also the god Hades/Pluto.
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Astrology : Taurus
Taurus is the second sign of the Zodiac and associated with material pleasure. Individuals born under this sign are thought to have a calm, patient, reliable, loyal, affectionate, sensuous, ambitious, and determined character, but one which is also prone to hedonism, laziness, inflexibility, jealousy, and antipathy. In terms of anatomy, Taurus is said to rule the vocal chords, tonsils, palate, throat, neck, ears, and lower jaw. Generally, there is something distinctly sensual about the appearance. In terms of geography Taurus is linked with Switzerland, Sweden, Cyprus, Ireland, and Russia.

Not damngraphic but if you imagine hard enough, it can be quite explicit! (Think Equus)

Close-up so you don't have to think too hard..

The end product!
Bye and signing off,
Still emo...
Round 1

The Arabian Fat-tailed Scorpion

Hadrurus spadix - Caraboctonidae, Hadrurinae
A scorpion under a blacklight. In normal lighting this scorpion appears black.
Sorry about the scientific names. Incase you are wondering, it is just some type of scorpion. Hope you enjoyed it.
Till next time.
The War Is On.
Bring it on Kaeru.
Those who are weak at heart better not see these pictures.
Those who are deadly afraid of creepy crawlies, please leave.
If you are afriad of spiders, do not look at this post.
For this post, our featured friends/fiends will be:
Spiny orb-weaver / Spinybacked orb-weavers
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
hehe counter attack!!
(once again...unable to add photos. WHAT THE HECK IS WRONG WITH IT!!! RORW!!!)
The yellow crazy ant (Anoplolepis gracilipes) is a species of ant introduced accidentally to northern Australia and Christmas Island in the Indian Ocean, becoming a pest in both locations. The native range is not known exactly, although scientists have speculated its origin as West Africa, India, or China [1].
The species is currently known from Australia, American Samoa, Christmas Island, Cocos Islands, Cook Islands, Eurasia, French Polynesia, Guam, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, Marshall Islands, Mauritius, Myanmar, Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands, Taiwan, Thailand, Tonga and the United States.
The crazy ant is among the 100 most destructive invasive species. They take advantage of their new environments by nesting in anything, from the crowns of crop plants to the hollows of native palm trees. Their introduction to a new ecosystem has dramatic consequences. Among them is the pressure they place on native ant species.
It is a particular problem on Christmas Island [2]. Instead of forming colonies with a single queen, it now forms supercolonies with several queens which cooperate rather than fight. This aggressive insect has devastated the wildlife of the island. Using formic acid it will overpower sizeable creatures like reptiles and coconut crabs and has killed 10-20 million Christmas Island red crabs. Seedlings that would normally have been devoured by the crabs grow unmolested, noticeably changing the appearance of the affected forests. In addition, the ants protect scale insects that are harmful to plant life. These ants harvest scale insects that suck sap from native trees and convert it into irresistible honeydew on which the ants feed. With this mutualism relationship, the scale insect populations explode, increasing the cover of honeydew on native trees, which in turn get infected with molds and die. There are also problems for Christmas Island's red land crabs, which have fed on decaying matter in the island's forests before the ants arrived. The crabs stand no chance against the formic acid spray of the ants. If the crab goes extinct, then the ecology of the island would falter as well. The ant also threatens the survival of many of Christmas Island's native birds, reptiles, and mammals. The crazy ant has also become a serious agricultural pest. So far chemicals and other preventative measures have been used to control them.
It is estimated that the population of Christmas Island Frigatebird (Fregata andrewsi) will decline by 80% in the next 30 years due to predation of the young by Crazy Ants; however, an aerial spraying procedure seems to have had remarkably effective results in controlling the ants.
The name "crazy ant" derives from the ant's foraging technique, involving fast movements with many random changes in direction, which becomes especially frantic when it is disturbed.
(cathches breath, cough and wheeze)
From cockroaches to lizards to crabs.
Anyway, better late than never.
I am sure most people have heard of Christmas Island. The Territory of Christmas Island is a small, non-self-governing territory of Australia located in the Indian Ocean.