hehehehehehehe.......ahahahahahaha.....BWAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHA!!!!!! -chokes on donut-
not to self: no evil laughing while eating donuts
today, we be talking bout ...what's his name again....you know the crazy guy with crazy hair....created the atom bomb, e=mc square...oh yeah! albert einsteen.
random person: psst it's einstein.
me: DIE BITCH!!! -attempts to skin person and throw him into a pool of salt but person escapes-
as i was saying, albert einstEEn's theory of relativity.
random person: -whispering at the back- it's einstein. -gets impaled in the head with a baquet-
remember the pesta ria thing lex has been talking/complaining/avowing injustice about? yeah, remember how she said we needed to sell them coupons and all?
hehehehekukukukuKAKAKAKAKA! well, this is where the theory of relativity comes in.
my dad (relative!!!) said that he would help sell our coupons to his friends. meaning, they pay the ten bucks and we still get to keep the tickets for ourselves. BWAHAHAHAHA! cause they'll never actually come to the school so we get to use/sell the coupons for half price!!! WAKAKAKAKAKAKAKAKAKA!!!!!!
FLASHLIGHT!!-turns on music and swings flashlight around crazily-
Saturday, June 23, 2007
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
Episode 3: Pet Staria PassTheShit! It continues......
Well, these few days has not been that eventful, but today it is.
First, lets start with the Permanent Head Damager (PhD).
Finally, I got to hear what is it about him and animals. The usual, it's his class. Let's cut to the good part about the animals. This time I'm sitting infront of Mr. PhD (Don't assume that's doing any good, I still need to listen really hard to get his words). Seems that he dislikes people. He thinks that people are worse than animals. He has seen a lot of people and they are worse than animals. Spending time with animals is better then with those so call human beings. This is what I got. One more thing, he seems to have a problem with girls sitting with guys or vice versa because he change that sitting arrangement regardless of what connection is with that two particular individuals. That's all about Mr. PhD.
Next, a follow up on PassTheShit day. Since the beginning of this plan, my class is required to think of games. However, we've kept quiet since no one questioned us. This is the first time I've heard that a silent class be subjected to the limelight. First, during chemistry class, the teacher started saying we're different from the other class. She did not specify in what way we're different but the tone she used could only mean a bad thing. We were only told by our class teacher later that we became the main object in their discussion during the teachers' meeting because we're not very involving in the PassTheShit day thing. So, instead of studying the general paper, we ended up discussing about what we're to do for the PassTheShit day. We have to come up with a game plus organise the haunted house. Too bad we can't really play a pass the shit game. The discussion will be continued tomorrow.
P.s. Any sucker wants to buy a ticket for PassTheShit day? Leave a comment and I'll come back to you.
First, lets start with the Permanent Head Damager (PhD).
Finally, I got to hear what is it about him and animals. The usual, it's his class. Let's cut to the good part about the animals. This time I'm sitting infront of Mr. PhD (Don't assume that's doing any good, I still need to listen really hard to get his words). Seems that he dislikes people. He thinks that people are worse than animals. He has seen a lot of people and they are worse than animals. Spending time with animals is better then with those so call human beings. This is what I got. One more thing, he seems to have a problem with girls sitting with guys or vice versa because he change that sitting arrangement regardless of what connection is with that two particular individuals. That's all about Mr. PhD.
Next, a follow up on PassTheShit day. Since the beginning of this plan, my class is required to think of games. However, we've kept quiet since no one questioned us. This is the first time I've heard that a silent class be subjected to the limelight. First, during chemistry class, the teacher started saying we're different from the other class. She did not specify in what way we're different but the tone she used could only mean a bad thing. We were only told by our class teacher later that we became the main object in their discussion during the teachers' meeting because we're not very involving in the PassTheShit day thing. So, instead of studying the general paper, we ended up discussing about what we're to do for the PassTheShit day. We have to come up with a game plus organise the haunted house. Too bad we can't really play a pass the shit game. The discussion will be continued tomorrow.
P.s. Any sucker wants to buy a ticket for PassTheShit day? Leave a comment and I'll come back to you.
Friday, June 15, 2007
Episode 2 : Pesta Ria.....Pasta-Rian..........PassTheShit!
Alright, lets not bore anyone with anymore flashbacks.
I took a time machine and am now back to the present.
The reason for the previous flashback post was to let you know on the situation before all this shit happen.
Now, the school, thinks that form 6 students, or rather lower 6 students:
a) are freaking rich
b) have loads of time
c) have endless imagination
d) have total control of their lives through and through
e) have total access to everyone of their parents' credict cards, cheque books and cash
f) are gullible enough to be the first targets of extortion and/or exploitation.
As mentioned, they want a freaking hall. Guess what, I found out this so called hall is just a roof with some pillars. It looks like some god forsaken carpark with tiles. Indoor hall and basketball court? Bullshit. And I'm not even going to be here to see it by the time it's actually done.
Their next attempt at extorting money, it's us lower 6 students plus teachers too. They came up with this crap Pesta Ria/PassTheShit where people come and play games. We are provided with 12 classrooms and we have to come up with a game to be played in each class in addition to a haunted-house at another block. All of this in the name of extortion.
This PassTheShit day will be held on the same day as the handing out report cards day. Which idiot/buffoon/retard/fool/gobshite/jerk/whatever would put a fun fair on the same day as such a gloomy occasion. Parents would be there lecturing to their hearts content while we put on a fake, idiotic smile asking them to go in and play. Don't tell me while you got nagged by your parents on how you should've studied, you can suddenly become hyper like you're on a sugar high and ask hey, can I play there so I will get another lecture like this the next time I get my report card? If you answer yes, mind to tell me which planet you're from, what colour is your blood and how many hundred years old are you?
Now to the most pressing one. The main extortion. First there's that form 6 club asking for RM30 for a freaking t-shirt. What the hell is that piece of fabric made of? Egyptian cotton? Highly un-flammable polyester? Next, back to the PassTheShit case, we are to sell tickets to people. The people have to buy the tickets to come here and I think they will have to spend more money playing. We are given five sets of tickets and to sell each set to a person (Teachers are given ten sets). Before that, we have to pay for those set of tickets which is the total of RM50. Like it or not we have to pay for it. It will be our problem if no one wants to buy them. What type of a person would want to go to some fun fair in a school?
We don't just sell tickets and plan the activities. We have to come out with the money to get all the equipment needed to carry out that plan ourselves. They aim to make RM200000 from this PassTheShit event and they don't intend to take out a single cent to do it. They think we're money bins and our parents are money trees. What the hell is wrong with these people? You can't possibly make RM200000 in one day especially in this PassTheShit event. This has successfully violated the law of extortion and child labour (not all lower 6s are 18 years old).
I seriously have no idea what's in there heads, if there is anything in the first place.
Signing off.
I took a time machine and am now back to the present.
The reason for the previous flashback post was to let you know on the situation before all this shit happen.
Now, the school, thinks that form 6 students, or rather lower 6 students:
a) are freaking rich
b) have loads of time
c) have endless imagination
d) have total control of their lives through and through
e) have total access to everyone of their parents' credict cards, cheque books and cash
f) are gullible enough to be the first targets of extortion and/or exploitation.
As mentioned, they want a freaking hall. Guess what, I found out this so called hall is just a roof with some pillars. It looks like some god forsaken carpark with tiles. Indoor hall and basketball court? Bullshit. And I'm not even going to be here to see it by the time it's actually done.
Their next attempt at extorting money, it's us lower 6 students plus teachers too. They came up with this crap Pesta Ria/PassTheShit where people come and play games. We are provided with 12 classrooms and we have to come up with a game to be played in each class in addition to a haunted-house at another block. All of this in the name of extortion.
This PassTheShit day will be held on the same day as the handing out report cards day. Which idiot/buffoon/retard/fool/gobshite/jerk/whatever would put a fun fair on the same day as such a gloomy occasion. Parents would be there lecturing to their hearts content while we put on a fake, idiotic smile asking them to go in and play. Don't tell me while you got nagged by your parents on how you should've studied, you can suddenly become hyper like you're on a sugar high and ask hey, can I play there so I will get another lecture like this the next time I get my report card? If you answer yes, mind to tell me which planet you're from, what colour is your blood and how many hundred years old are you?
Now to the most pressing one. The main extortion. First there's that form 6 club asking for RM30 for a freaking t-shirt. What the hell is that piece of fabric made of? Egyptian cotton? Highly un-flammable polyester? Next, back to the PassTheShit case, we are to sell tickets to people. The people have to buy the tickets to come here and I think they will have to spend more money playing. We are given five sets of tickets and to sell each set to a person (Teachers are given ten sets). Before that, we have to pay for those set of tickets which is the total of RM50. Like it or not we have to pay for it. It will be our problem if no one wants to buy them. What type of a person would want to go to some fun fair in a school?
We don't just sell tickets and plan the activities. We have to come out with the money to get all the equipment needed to carry out that plan ourselves. They aim to make RM200000 from this PassTheShit event and they don't intend to take out a single cent to do it. They think we're money bins and our parents are money trees. What the hell is wrong with these people? You can't possibly make RM200000 in one day especially in this PassTheShit event. This has successfully violated the law of extortion and child labour (not all lower 6s are 18 years old).
I seriously have no idea what's in there heads, if there is anything in the first place.
Signing off.
Episode 1 : The Scheme Manace.
Sorry for the sudden change in title.
I was planning to write that but the more I wrote the further it drifted and the longer it got.
This will be in episodes. Don't worry, it has everything to do with Pesta Ria.....Pasta-Rian.........PassTheShit!
Teachers will not play such a major role, but they are still stars in this post.
It's going to be about my school's ultimate scheme.
Quote Emoperor : This is serious blogging material!
My school was scheming to build an indoor hall last year. This indoor hall can be used for assemblies or as an indoor basketball court. The reasons they give for the need of such a structure to be built are:
Due to everyday assemblies, students in the afternoon session have to stand under the hot sun and many of them had fainted due to the scorching sun. The hall will serve as an assembly hall for them.(What the hell happened to us in the morning session? We can't use it? Fine, this reason still make sense)
There are actually a few more reasons, I can only remember two. The first one above and the last one, this:
The hall can be use to hold celebrations and also to be rented out for other people's usage. (Here's their true intentions. To rent it for money. I can still remember the words from Dinosaur last year about this issue)
For the location, they are going to build the hall on the current two basketball courts. Two basketball courts are hardly enough for them and if (I say if) it gets replaced by one indoor basketball court, goodluck with the brawling in the indoor hall for the rights to use it.
Alright, that's their scheme and what everyone needs to carry out a scheme? Yes, money. I have no idea which buffoon came out with this scheme but he/she/it sure as hell is either the i-give -you-a-scheme-i-don't-care-how-but-just-get-the-shit-done person or i'm-so-rich-that-i-can-give-you-a-scheme-but-you-will-never-get-a-cent-from-me type of cheapskate. Reason for this hypothesis, they have the plans ready but they don't have the amount of money needed for this scheme. When they don't have the money, they turn to their forced-bankers a.k.a. students/parents.
Their first course of action is the usual please-donate-for-this-honorable-cause method. There's a slightly different twist to this method. They held a majlis makan malam/dinner uh........celebration to raise the money. Students are given colourful papers which you need to fill info for either a seat, a table, a few tables or the all time favourite, give-us-money-even-if-you're-not-going paper (I can still remember that it's yellow in colour).Whether you like it or not you have to pay. There was a price range for each of it that you need to either pay that amount or more for the specific seat/table/tables. They encourage us to go or better yet get ten tables each to bring all your relatives there for free food and the performance they put up on that day. Did I forget to mention that they'll be brainwashing you too for more money than the amount paid for the seat/table/tables? I'm not sure how that night went, but according to my sources it was quite successful (they didn't get people to pay for that whole hall, guess not so successful after all). They manage to exto.........gather more than RM100000, I think. Wait, I almost forgot, that dinner was held at some other school's indoor-air-conditoned hall that they rented. They are wasting money even before they exto.....earned any. (Extention to their reasons, the hall can be used for this type of occasions next time).
Here's something worth mentioning.
Since they didn't get as much as they want, there was another attempt at extortion. Method number 2, feel-guilty-and-pay-up. Some teacher started uh.......story-telling on how un-received by the public the attempt at forced-donation was, so she decided to tell us a little story. According to her, some representative from some orphanage went to see her to offer a RM100 for this worthy cause. Even though it's not much but it's the thought that counts. They offered the money as a sign of support towards their sch.......plan. Even outsiders would come and show support why not you, our ban..........students. I find this extremely weird/doubful/funny/fishy/whatever. Come on, you're from an orphanage. You have better use for that money like taking care of the kids there. Who in their right mind gives money in the name of an orphanage? By giving the money, it means they're taking money from their orphanage funds, which is used for the welfare of the children, which does not belong to them in the first place (Go buy more candy if you have too much money). Something just doesn't add up here.
That's it for now. It's getting a bit too long. Look forward to episode two.
I was planning to write that but the more I wrote the further it drifted and the longer it got.
This will be in episodes. Don't worry, it has everything to do with Pesta Ria.....Pasta-Rian.........PassTheShit!
Teachers will not play such a major role, but they are still stars in this post.
It's going to be about my school's ultimate scheme.
Quote Emoperor : This is serious blogging material!
My school was scheming to build an indoor hall last year. This indoor hall can be used for assemblies or as an indoor basketball court. The reasons they give for the need of such a structure to be built are:
Due to everyday assemblies, students in the afternoon session have to stand under the hot sun and many of them had fainted due to the scorching sun. The hall will serve as an assembly hall for them.(What the hell happened to us in the morning session? We can't use it? Fine, this reason still make sense)
There are actually a few more reasons, I can only remember two. The first one above and the last one, this:
The hall can be use to hold celebrations and also to be rented out for other people's usage. (Here's their true intentions. To rent it for money. I can still remember the words from Dinosaur last year about this issue)
For the location, they are going to build the hall on the current two basketball courts. Two basketball courts are hardly enough for them and if (I say if) it gets replaced by one indoor basketball court, goodluck with the brawling in the indoor hall for the rights to use it.
Alright, that's their scheme and what everyone needs to carry out a scheme? Yes, money. I have no idea which buffoon came out with this scheme but he/she/it sure as hell is either the i-give -you-a-scheme-i-don't-care-how-but-just-get-the-shit-done person or i'm-so-rich-that-i-can-give-you-a-scheme-but-you-will-never-get-a-cent-from-me type of cheapskate. Reason for this hypothesis, they have the plans ready but they don't have the amount of money needed for this scheme. When they don't have the money, they turn to their forced-bankers a.k.a. students/parents.
Their first course of action is the usual please-donate-for-this-honorable-cause method. There's a slightly different twist to this method. They held a majlis makan malam/dinner uh........celebration to raise the money. Students are given colourful papers which you need to fill info for either a seat, a table, a few tables or the all time favourite, give-us-money-even-if-you're-not-going paper (I can still remember that it's yellow in colour).Whether you like it or not you have to pay. There was a price range for each of it that you need to either pay that amount or more for the specific seat/table/tables. They encourage us to go or better yet get ten tables each to bring all your relatives there for free food and the performance they put up on that day. Did I forget to mention that they'll be brainwashing you too for more money than the amount paid for the seat/table/tables? I'm not sure how that night went, but according to my sources it was quite successful (they didn't get people to pay for that whole hall, guess not so successful after all). They manage to exto.........gather more than RM100000, I think. Wait, I almost forgot, that dinner was held at some other school's indoor-air-conditoned hall that they rented. They are wasting money even before they exto.....earned any. (Extention to their reasons, the hall can be used for this type of occasions next time).
Here's something worth mentioning.
Since they didn't get as much as they want, there was another attempt at extortion. Method number 2, feel-guilty-and-pay-up. Some teacher started uh.......story-telling on how un-received by the public the attempt at forced-donation was, so she decided to tell us a little story. According to her, some representative from some orphanage went to see her to offer a RM100 for this worthy cause. Even though it's not much but it's the thought that counts. They offered the money as a sign of support towards their sch.......plan. Even outsiders would come and show support why not you, our ban..........students. I find this extremely weird/doubful/funny/fishy/whatever. Come on, you're from an orphanage. You have better use for that money like taking care of the kids there. Who in their right mind gives money in the name of an orphanage? By giving the money, it means they're taking money from their orphanage funds, which is used for the welfare of the children, which does not belong to them in the first place (Go buy more candy if you have too much money). Something just doesn't add up here.
That's it for now. It's getting a bit too long. Look forward to episode two.
Thursday, June 14, 2007
Permanent Head Damage Mumbler.
Emoperor has been on the headlines of damngraphic for quite awhile now, it's about time his face go into a short hiatus. (I said face, you still have to say something, Emoperor!)
So far the only thing I have talked about my school is the teachers with the phrases welcome to hell written all over their foreheads. Well.............this is still another one of those posts. This is something Kaeru requested me to post and it is about a teacher. I hope some of you actually remember (I doubt it) the PermanentHeadDamage(PhD) [Definition courtesy of Pedomel] Maths teacher who talks to the board? Whatvever, doesn't matter if you remember him or not, I'm still going to tell either way.
Today, we have Maths class for last two periods. He practically dissappeared the whole first period of his class, mumbling something incoherent coming into class a few minutes before the bell rang. Then he proceed to write a question on the board that requires us to solve it. (Just like any other day) The usual went on as he told someone to solve it on the board after about 5 to 10 minutes. Here is where all the continuous incoherent mumbling begins. The particular student got the answer wrong (by just one symbol). When he got back to his seat, Mr. PhD mumbled something about student being really bad or something. I can't hear him properly. (I'm at the other end of the class while he's standing at the other side) After another 5 minutes only did he decided to give the right answer. Fine, on to the next two question. Here he decided to swap two person's places. If I'm correct he said something about them talking too much or whatever. The one that I can make out is no discussing, do your own work. As far as I know one of them was asking for help from a friend. After that he continue muttering something which I can't make out. I'm not alone, many other people share the same opinion including Kaeru. He mumbled throught the rest of the period which is about half an hour, if I'm not mistaken. So far, the words that I can make out are, no discussing.............dating..........don't talk............animals..........worse...........go tuition........not qualified.......illegal........that one at Happy Garden............only qualified to teach form 3..........tuition..............come to school to get customers..............don't want to say the name, you all know one. This is all I got. Well at least it gets clearer at the end. According to my sources, he has a problem with this other Maths teacher in school who teaches tuition at his house in Happy Garden and has quite a lot of students going there. After his mumbling, he gave us homework, said we can go and just walked off. The whole time we only did three questions. I just did the questions, tried checking it, then proceed to stare from the board to my paper for no apparent reason while occasionally, very silently communicating with Kaeru to try and make out what the hell he's saying/mumbling/incoherently speaking/whatever. At the end of the day we can't seem to connect the no discussion in class to dating to animals and finally to illegal/unqualified tuition teacher.
Hey, come to look at it, I can draw a connection. That is :
No discussion in class about dating between animals and the illegal/unqualified tuition teacher at Happy Garden.
That's it.
Next post to look forward to from me : Pesta Ria.....Pasta-Rian..........PassTheShit!
P.s. Situation posted by me because Kaeru is unable to access the internet on week days.
So far the only thing I have talked about my school is the teachers with the phrases welcome to hell written all over their foreheads. Well.............this is still another one of those posts. This is something Kaeru requested me to post and it is about a teacher. I hope some of you actually remember (I doubt it) the PermanentHeadDamage(PhD) [Definition courtesy of Pedomel] Maths teacher who talks to the board? Whatvever, doesn't matter if you remember him or not, I'm still going to tell either way.
Today, we have Maths class for last two periods. He practically dissappeared the whole first period of his class, mumbling something incoherent coming into class a few minutes before the bell rang. Then he proceed to write a question on the board that requires us to solve it. (Just like any other day) The usual went on as he told someone to solve it on the board after about 5 to 10 minutes. Here is where all the continuous incoherent mumbling begins. The particular student got the answer wrong (by just one symbol). When he got back to his seat, Mr. PhD mumbled something about student being really bad or something. I can't hear him properly. (I'm at the other end of the class while he's standing at the other side) After another 5 minutes only did he decided to give the right answer. Fine, on to the next two question. Here he decided to swap two person's places. If I'm correct he said something about them talking too much or whatever. The one that I can make out is no discussing, do your own work. As far as I know one of them was asking for help from a friend. After that he continue muttering something which I can't make out. I'm not alone, many other people share the same opinion including Kaeru. He mumbled throught the rest of the period which is about half an hour, if I'm not mistaken. So far, the words that I can make out are, no discussing.............dating..........don't talk............animals..........worse...........go tuition........not qualified.......illegal........that one at Happy Garden............only qualified to teach form 3..........tuition..............come to school to get customers..............don't want to say the name, you all know one. This is all I got. Well at least it gets clearer at the end. According to my sources, he has a problem with this other Maths teacher in school who teaches tuition at his house in Happy Garden and has quite a lot of students going there. After his mumbling, he gave us homework, said we can go and just walked off. The whole time we only did three questions. I just did the questions, tried checking it, then proceed to stare from the board to my paper for no apparent reason while occasionally, very silently communicating with Kaeru to try and make out what the hell he's saying/mumbling/incoherently speaking/whatever. At the end of the day we can't seem to connect the no discussion in class to dating to animals and finally to illegal/unqualified tuition teacher.
Hey, come to look at it, I can draw a connection. That is :
No discussion in class about dating between animals and the illegal/unqualified tuition teacher at Happy Garden.
That's it.
Next post to look forward to from me : Pesta Ria.....Pasta-Rian..........PassTheShit!
P.s. Situation posted by me because Kaeru is unable to access the internet on week days.
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
More attempts.
Here's another one.
Some of the ideas came from Kaeru.
P.s. This is the healthies/safest/whatever way of fun/stress reliever/worry subsider/whatever at someone else's expense.
Some of the ideas came from Kaeru.
Look! The top of my head is darker than my face and body.
P.s. This is the healthies/safest/whatever way of fun/stress reliever/worry subsider/whatever at someone else's expense.
Sunday, June 10, 2007
Another attemp.
I will be going back to school tomorrow.

This means I need major stress relievants/worry subsiders/fun/whatever.
This leads to another mindless attemp to edit the previous picture. (This is getting out of hand)
Alright, it's just an excuse to mess around with Emoperor's self portrait in his days of pregnancy.
Can't help it, I am in major need of medication.
Enjoy/puke/adore/gag/marvel/despise/whatever this new edition of Emoperor's pregnancy.

Shaun's pregnancy.........and it's just the fifth month!
Signing off.
P.s. I have no idea what possessed me to do that to the picture.
Saturday, June 9, 2007
Lousy Attempt.
Just like the title, this is my lousy attempt to make something damngraphic from the picture from the previous post. I just finished my general paper assignment. Next thing to worry about would be the horrible presentation on coming Tuesday. Anyway, this lousy attempt is a form of stress reliever/worry subsider/fun/time passer/whatever. Main thing is to keep everyone entertained/annoyed/sick/whatever.

Well, what do you think?
P.s. I hope no one will be sent into a coma for this.
Tuesday, June 5, 2007
Scandal Exposed
Crap, now the whole world knows the state i am in. There ARE good reasons why i keep rejecting invites to go out you know, not considerate betul! I blame that irresponsible fellow for making me this way... whoever he is. Somehow, rumours are spreading that 'the walking movie' did it.. but he capable kah?Acting bolehlah, but the real thing.. usually stunt doubles are required :P
UGH, how did i get pregnant in the first place? If David is incapable, i lagi teruk (i always thought though, that he'll end up pregnant). Lex said i must have did surgery (or said i said i did surgery), but how could i have afforded it (especially not from that 'if-you-aren't-a-millionaire-something-something' hospital? This must be somekind of government conspiracy!! I don't remember the surgery, i don't remember who f'd me up, i don't even remember having a good time! And i'm 5 months pregnant :( !!
Okay bye.. busy getting ready for MOTHERHOOD!
p.s. Yay, i'm so capable!
UGH, how did i get pregnant in the first place? If David is incapable, i lagi teruk (i always thought though, that he'll end up pregnant). Lex said i must have did surgery (or said i said i did surgery), but how could i have afforded it (especially not from that 'if-you-aren't-a-millionaire-something-something' hospital? This must be somekind of government conspiracy!! I don't remember the surgery, i don't remember who f'd me up, i don't even remember having a good time! And i'm 5 months pregnant :( !!
Okay bye.. busy getting ready for MOTHERHOOD!
p.s. Yay, i'm so capable!
David x Shaun. Scandal!
Now, I know I'm cruel, since I'm not even sure Emoperor actually saw that warning or not.
However, a deal is a deal.
When I said no post by that time, I'll post something specially for him.
So, since I still don't see any, here's the crap/turd/shit/junk/rubbish/whatever that me and Kaeru came up with.
On June 1, there was a report on http://usws.isgreat.org about a make out session in an elevator. The exact location of this incident is unknown but the individuals involve were only identified as David and Shaun. It is also stated that the incident was not a make out session but Shaun performing vertical CPR on David. Evidence were also provided showing the scene in the elevator.
Upon close inspection by our own reporter, tadpoles in summer, that is just a cover made to deceive the readers. Shaun was in fact the victim in this incident instead of the Good Samaritan performing vertical CPR. Shaun was raped in the elevator by David. It is unknown where and when this incident happened but our reporter managed to track down Shaun for more insights on this incident.
We found out that Shaun is 5 months pregnant with David’s child. Upon this discovery, David was asked to comment on this matter but he only said, “I don’t know what you’re talking about. Get lost.” According to this statement, we conclude that David refuse to take any responsibility.
On the question how Shaun, claimed to be male, was able to conceive a child, tadpoles in summer retrieved a medical report from So-Expensive-Don't-Even-Think-Bout-Coming-Here-Unless-You're-A-Millionaire Hospital (SEDETBCHUYAMH) stating Shaun had actually underwent an operation enabling him to have the female reproduction system.
With this latest find, there are reasons to believe that Shaun and David were previously acquainted. We were still unable to establish a clear connection between them until further notice. Investigations are currently undergoing to shed more light upon this matter.
There. Finally, something damngraphical (I hope).
Will continue anytime if Emoperor still refuse to surface.
Signing off.
However, a deal is a deal.
When I said no post by that time, I'll post something specially for him.
So, since I still don't see any, here's the crap/turd/shit/junk/rubbish/whatever that me and Kaeru came up with.
On June 1, there was a report on http://usws.isgreat.org about a make out session in an elevator. The exact location of this incident is unknown but the individuals involve were only identified as David and Shaun. It is also stated that the incident was not a make out session but Shaun performing vertical CPR on David. Evidence were also provided showing the scene in the elevator.
Upon close inspection by our own reporter, tadpoles in summer, that is just a cover made to deceive the readers. Shaun was in fact the victim in this incident instead of the Good Samaritan performing vertical CPR. Shaun was raped in the elevator by David. It is unknown where and when this incident happened but our reporter managed to track down Shaun for more insights on this incident.
We found out that Shaun is 5 months pregnant with David’s child. Upon this discovery, David was asked to comment on this matter but he only said, “I don’t know what you’re talking about. Get lost.” According to this statement, we conclude that David refuse to take any responsibility.
On the question how Shaun, claimed to be male, was able to conceive a child, tadpoles in summer retrieved a medical report from So-Expensive-Don't-Even-Think-Bout-Coming-Here-Unless-You're-A-Millionaire Hospital (SEDETBCHUYAMH) stating Shaun had actually underwent an operation enabling him to have the female reproduction system.
With this latest find, there are reasons to believe that Shaun and David were previously acquainted. We were still unable to establish a clear connection between them until further notice. Investigations are currently undergoing to shed more light upon this matter.
There. Finally, something damngraphical (I hope).
Will continue anytime if Emoperor still refuse to surface.
Signing off.
Sunday, June 3, 2007
Currently having school holiday. Since it's summer, I think it's a summer holiday. The first week just finished. One week left before going back to a place filled with teachers who have the phrase welcome to hell written all over their foreheads.
I just finished most of my homework. The last one remaining will be my assignment for my general paper. I am suppose to do something about Cyber cafes. The problem is that it is in bm. There aren't many websites in that language and I don't see any newspapers or magazines that have anything to say about it. Another thing would be I have to present it infront of the class. This is so not my field of experties. I hate it but there's nothing I can do. So, I just have to live with it. (Excuse me while I take a few seconds/minutes/hours/days/whatever to convince myself of that)
Previously, Kaeru and Emoperor were revealing gory info from their past.
They want me to do that too, but I just can't think of any.
I'm not lying. Maybe there's too much crap in my head that got all my memory mixed up. So, sorry to dissappoint you. No gory memory in my head. If you pry open my head to see how much junk plus crap plus turd plus shit are there, then you can call it gory.
Now what else? I haven't gotten anything damngraphic lately.
And I still don't have anything damngraphic to post.
In addition, Emoperor's not doing anything here either.
I just got an idea.
Attention Emoperor.
You are here by required to post something within 24 hours from now.
Your post need not include anything damngraphic.
Anything will be acceptable.
Preferably something that makes no sense and full of junk/crap/turd/shit/whatever.
If this is not done before the deadline, be prepared to have a special post specially dedicated to you.
Courtesy of Hikaru.
Over and out.
I just finished most of my homework. The last one remaining will be my assignment for my general paper. I am suppose to do something about Cyber cafes. The problem is that it is in bm. There aren't many websites in that language and I don't see any newspapers or magazines that have anything to say about it. Another thing would be I have to present it infront of the class. This is so not my field of experties. I hate it but there's nothing I can do. So, I just have to live with it. (Excuse me while I take a few seconds/minutes/hours/days/whatever to convince myself of that)
Previously, Kaeru and Emoperor were revealing gory info from their past.
They want me to do that too, but I just can't think of any.
I'm not lying. Maybe there's too much crap in my head that got all my memory mixed up. So, sorry to dissappoint you. No gory memory in my head. If you pry open my head to see how much junk plus crap plus turd plus shit are there, then you can call it gory.
Now what else? I haven't gotten anything damngraphic lately.
And I still don't have anything damngraphic to post.
In addition, Emoperor's not doing anything here either.
I just got an idea.
Attention Emoperor.
You are here by required to post something within 24 hours from now.
Your post need not include anything damngraphic.
Anything will be acceptable.
Preferably something that makes no sense and full of junk/crap/turd/shit/whatever.
If this is not done before the deadline, be prepared to have a special post specially dedicated to you.
Courtesy of Hikaru.
Over and out.
Saturday, June 2, 2007
Happy Birthday, Kaeru.
I try to be as fair as possible to everyone I know. Since I did this for Emoperor's birthday, this one's for Kaeru.
Here's a picture for you.

(It seems I just like to mess around with birthday people)
The info.
Birthstone : Pearl (I said it before, I'm going to say it again, ask wikipedia why it isn't a stone)
Birth flower : Honeysuckle, Rose
Birthday stone : Sapphire
Since I'm being fair, that's it.
Friday, June 1, 2007
death of nameless.
since there's nothing interesting about me really. i'm going to tell you instead about one of the most horrifying deed i've ever done so far.
i was very young then, about standard one or two... or was it kindergarten.... i haven't moved to K.L yet so i was still in Kuching. that time i was alone at home with the exception of my partially blind grandfather. so basically i ruled the house, for the moment. i was watching the fishes in the aquarium. my dad use to have lots of fishes. i was particularly attracted to this one gold fish. but that gold fish kept avoiding me (well, that's how it seems to me at that time) so feeling rejected, all my middle-child emotions began surfacing. like how i don't get enough attention, blah blah blah(so totally over that). so i was thinking, "my parents are ignoring me so you aren't, stupid fish!" so i grabbed a chair, hoisted myself up (ppl short ma back then, still kinda short now), i grabbed a net and started fishing around for that damn fish. very chun man, cause i only got the fish i wanted, all the other fishies still ok and swimming round. i must like a naturally gifted fisher!
so i caught this fish and i took it t the kitchen and....(here's the gory part. those weak at heart turn away now)the fish kept jumping round so i whacked it against the kitchen counter for a few times until it stopped jumping but was still alive. then i took out those peeler knife thingies that you use to peel the skin of fruits and such and began cutting away at the fish's fins. i can't recall if i had cut off its head or not but i do remember flushing it down the drain afterwards.
when my parents came home, i was long done with the fish but when my father noticed that his aquarium was in disarray, i thought i was done for.
"what happened to my aquarium?"
my heart was beating like crazy and i didn't know what to do. so i did the only thing i knew, i pretended to not know and continue playing with my dolls (innocent little demon) and the miraculous thing was, my father never noticed that he's missing a fish. i've kept this secret from everyone until i was in form 1 where i told my family what happened and they laughed while calling me 'siao! yau men tai ke lei' (roughly translated to, 'crazy! something wrong with you') i was laughing along with them. and now i'm telling you, o fair readers of this weird-ass site. welcome to the twisted mind of Kaeru...partially(too much for you to handle). hopefully it didn't freak you out that much and are in fact laughing just like my family that day. but then again...my family always knew i'm a little...lose in the head....
so there, that's boring ol' Kaeru for you ;)
i was very young then, about standard one or two... or was it kindergarten.... i haven't moved to K.L yet so i was still in Kuching. that time i was alone at home with the exception of my partially blind grandfather. so basically i ruled the house, for the moment. i was watching the fishes in the aquarium. my dad use to have lots of fishes. i was particularly attracted to this one gold fish. but that gold fish kept avoiding me (well, that's how it seems to me at that time) so feeling rejected, all my middle-child emotions began surfacing. like how i don't get enough attention, blah blah blah(so totally over that). so i was thinking, "my parents are ignoring me so you aren't, stupid fish!" so i grabbed a chair, hoisted myself up (ppl short ma back then, still kinda short now), i grabbed a net and started fishing around for that damn fish. very chun man, cause i only got the fish i wanted, all the other fishies still ok and swimming round. i must like a naturally gifted fisher!
so i caught this fish and i took it t the kitchen and....(here's the gory part. those weak at heart turn away now)the fish kept jumping round so i whacked it against the kitchen counter for a few times until it stopped jumping but was still alive. then i took out those peeler knife thingies that you use to peel the skin of fruits and such and began cutting away at the fish's fins. i can't recall if i had cut off its head or not but i do remember flushing it down the drain afterwards.
when my parents came home, i was long done with the fish but when my father noticed that his aquarium was in disarray, i thought i was done for.
"what happened to my aquarium?"
my heart was beating like crazy and i didn't know what to do. so i did the only thing i knew, i pretended to not know and continue playing with my dolls (innocent little demon) and the miraculous thing was, my father never noticed that he's missing a fish. i've kept this secret from everyone until i was in form 1 where i told my family what happened and they laughed while calling me 'siao! yau men tai ke lei' (roughly translated to, 'crazy! something wrong with you') i was laughing along with them. and now i'm telling you, o fair readers of this weird-ass site. welcome to the twisted mind of Kaeru...partially(too much for you to handle). hopefully it didn't freak you out that much and are in fact laughing just like my family that day. but then again...my family always knew i'm a little...lose in the head....
so there, that's boring ol' Kaeru for you ;)
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