After a half month hiatus, Damngraphic is back in business to report on the latest findings about the reported scandal from a month ago.
After half a month of indept investigation, we were able to trackdown David.
David seems to be in a state of homelessness when we found him walking around with a stack of blue papers believed to be a set of official documents related to the registration of new citizens.
We were unable to get good look on the papers as he behaved violently towards our camera person. At this moment Shaun intervened and threatened to contact reinforcements. Our camera person courageously continued to bring the latest scoop.
We noticed that all signs of pregnancy on Shaun has vanished completely. When questioned, both Shaun and David refused to comment as Shaun continue to call for support with his cellphone. Our very own tadpoles in summer is currently investigating So-Expensive-Don't-Even-Think-Bout-Coming-Here-Unless-You're-A-Millionaire Hospital (SEDETBCHUYAMH) as we speak to shed light upon this matter.
Please take note of the similar hairstyles.
We left the scene just in time before any of their support team were able to lay their hands on our delicate equipment. Please stay with us as we unveil reports from SEDETBCHUYAMH.
Signing off.
P.s. There is no aftermath from PassTheShit Day after all that everyone had done. (Not that anyone is interested)