Friday, July 27, 2007

Hobo and Hobette.

After a half month hiatus, Damngraphic is back in business to report on the latest findings about the reported scandal from a month ago.

After half a month of indept investigation, we were able to trackdown David.
David seems to be in a state of homelessness when we found him walking around with a stack of blue papers believed to be a set of official documents related to the registration of new citizens.
We were unable to get good look on the papers as he behaved violently towards our camera person. At this moment Shaun intervened and threatened to contact reinforcements. Our camera person courageously continued to bring the latest scoop.

We noticed that all signs of pregnancy on Shaun has vanished completely. When questioned, both Shaun and David refused to comment as Shaun continue to call for support with his cellphone. Our very own tadpoles in summer is currently investigating So-Expensive-Don't-Even-Think-Bout-Coming-Here-Unless-You're-A-Millionaire Hospital (SEDETBCHUYAMH) as we speak to shed light upon this matter.

Please take note of the similar hairstyles.
We left the scene just in time before any of their support team were able to lay their hands on our delicate equipment. Please stay with us as we unveil reports from SEDETBCHUYAMH.

Signing off.
P.s. There is no aftermath from PassTheShit Day after all that everyone had done. (Not that anyone is interested)

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Episode 5: Judgement Day.

This is a rather late post about PassTheShit day. (Thanks to the consequences of being a ghost)
PassTheShit day was ......uh........ interesting.
Thanks to the extremely tight schedule, I end up going to school at 6.00a.m to help out.
Highlight of the day, being a ghost doesn't mean you're safe from physical injuries.
I was in the group at the first scaring section of the haunted house. This is the place where the sound effects are stationed and water sprinkling plus grop......uh......creeping people out with our hands.
My first job was the water effects.
Since we have no time for a test run, so the first group of customers were our guinea pigs.
I just remembered something from this.
People nowadays uses swear words as often as you talk. Meaning, no sentence leaves their mouth without at least one negatively-high-intelligence-and-sophisticated-word in any situation that particular multicellular being is in.
The guinea pigs, which I suspect are either form 1 or from somewhere in the afternoon session, swear the whole way through the haunted house.
First thing they encounter, someone gro....grabbing them to stall them for awhile. They were already screaming like nuts with all those negatively-high-intelligence-and-sophisticated-words flying out.
Then on to my job with the water and more screaming can be heard.
As they go further that will be the last part of the first scaring station with more mol........touching and more screaming.
The five of use were laughing like crazy in there.
I think I forgot to mention that the whole place were extremely dark where you can see absolutely nothing. It's interesting how they maneuver through the place, but I'm glad cause this makes gro......mol........scaring easier.
Before the next group came in, Kaeru's voice can be heard through those thick walls made of concrete, cement, glass, newspaper and curtains, screaming at our customers to get in line. (I wonder what happened to customer is king)
This went on for awhile with more grabbing and screaming and touching and more screaming. Some even got so freaked that they went back to the entrance without even letting us do anything.
Then I went off for report card duty which I just stood there looking out to people tossing rubbish all over the place. That's what I did 99% of my duty time.
When I came back, I swap jobs and I'm the first person to touch/grab/pull people's legs. Warning, to those potential gro......uh........haunted house organisers, be very agile to retract your hand after grabbing/pulling people's legs because they will hurt you. I got step on/kick by some person who I can only tell that it's a guy. I'm not the only one. The other person who replaced me later also got the same fate.
Other than that, some idiotic-shithead-doofus went in just to destroy and start trouble with us.
We sprinkle water they threaten to punch us. Then they started pushing the walls made of tables, knocking one of our people on the head. You come in, either let us scare the shit out of you or you just walk pass and complaint that we're not effective. Don't freaking destroy/threaten/injure anything/anyone for the heck of it. Idiotic-shithead-doofuses.
At the end, we had to close early because of the condition of the house. You should look at those disappointed faces of those kiddies that lined up for a long time and didn't get to go in. Well here's some advice, you go borrow some knives/forks/brooms/whatever that can hurt people and start a hunting party to eliminate/annihilate/whatever those responsible for screwing your fun.
That's pretty much it for the things that needs to mentioned.
Will continue next time on the aftermath.

Signing off.

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Episode 4 : Full of Shit!

Thought I was going to stop dissing about PassTheShit day, didn't you?
Well, this is not really dissing that day, considering it got kind of fun after planning everything and hoping to see it work out.
Alright class, today we will be dissing about a certain someone who's being a generalissimo in school.
This particular lifeform
[.......wait.....scratch that.......]
This particular being
[......hold it........scrap that......]
(Kaeru: Biotch!)[....No....](Kaeru:Beyotch!)[.....No......]
This particular......uh........flatus inflated buffoon (Kaeru: That's all? Biotch Beyotch sounds better.) [So sue me.] is the same one that told us the orphanage story. Class, please refer to Episode 1 for reference if you got lost.
Generalissimo here first gave us the obvious you're-not-a-good-class-because-you-refuse-to-be-extorted look when we didn't say a thing about the games that we're suppose to be planning. So, we let that pass and got more involved.
Skip all the tiny info, all the planning done. One haunted house, check. One PS2 dancing challenge, check.
Hold it, buffoon's associate Mr. Buffuun wants the stage. Crap, we have to share it now?! You're the one who said we can have it in the first place. Fine, let's work it out, we'll be nice little extorted kiddies and share the humongous stage with your big boys.
Wait, now what? What the hell?! You want that freaking projector now? That's right in the middle of the stage! What about our space? Fine, you can have it. We'll dance somewhere else.
Now, lets bring back the flatus inflated flatulator buffoon. Fine, we'll settle for a class somewhere. We're trying really hard here to make it work. Just like you wanted.
What the shit?! Now you say we're suppose to concentrate on the haunted house only? Why do you want us to plan two things in the first place? Freaking flatulator buffoon. Waste our freaking time. Concentrate on the haunted house. It's not like missing the 5 of us from the haunted house it's going to crumble because we need 5 ghostlike pillars to scare the shit/crap/turd/whatever out of anything. And we definitely don't need the whole class just to make anything dance. So, zip it on the concentration part.
Here's my pity towards Mr. Buffuun and his minions. We're sorry to inform you that Generalissimo Flatus Inflated Flatulator-Buffoon has officially commandeered the stage for her flatulent filled boxes to be stacked there for no particular reasons other than to exploit the greed of humanity/alienity. My sincerest sympathy towards your victory and hard work in the battle for the stage with us going down the toilet bowl.
Well, what the heck. You can monopolise the freaking thing as much as you want, just don't come back blaming us when you didn't extort enough money.
Class dismissed.

Signing off.

P.s. Everything tells me that there is going to be more before the week is up.

Sunday, July 1, 2007

6th Month!

Shaun's pregnancy enters the 6th month.

Image done based on the latest report by tadpoles in summer.



P.s. Forgive the highly unintelligent, obviously retarded, majorly unrealistic but shockingly true image.