Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Red-light Policemen.
A police station located somewhere in a renown red-light district in Malaysia has been shut down recently.
Reason: The policemen there where not safe.
I don't have to say much, the issue speaks for itself.
I do have to wonder, if the police were unsafe, what about the people who're living and working there?
I also wonder what's the thing that's causing them to feel unsafe.
1. Crime rate (robberies/vandalism/gambling/bribery/clubbing/disco.....uh....forget it)
2. Unseen transmittable diseases (SARS/H5N1/Madcow/Madgoat/Madchicken/whatever)
3. Red-light activities (stay away from the red-light......*plays x-files theme*)
My personal favourite.
4. MILK POISONING (melamine is now the new salt)
Signing out.
P.s. Anyone who's interested in adding to the list, feel free to do so.
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Datuk Bollywood.......what the heck???

What's with the hair???
I'm very sure a lot of people, well Malaysians at least, know who this guy is and I assure you, he is in no way Malaysian. Guess what, he of all people gets 'knight' to be a DATUK. What the hell?! I saw it in the newspapers this morning but didn't think much of it and proceeded to have a rather long online chat with emoperor about toilets and fruits. Anyway it seems my brain hasn't registered the news of a Hollyw......er......Holywo........uh......whateverwood, star gets a datukship until I saw it again on msn news 2 minutes ago. I don't see what's so 'charming' about him, but I don't speak for everyone. People have their own preferences, right? So, according to the news, he gets the datuk title for seemingly promoting Malacca in his movie, 1 2 or whatever. Come on, people. If that's the case lets call Sean Connery and Catherine Zetta-Jones DATUKS for promoting the twin towers in The Entrapment. For goodness sake, I would have an easier time swallowing it if they give the datuk to the director of the show. At least HE made the movie. The above person certainly didn't do anything other than act. Don't get me wrong I do not have an issue with mr. khan but that doesn't mean I like him either.
Anyway back to the main point, come on, if you don't have anyone to give the title to, then, don't give. Or at least be a little sensible in choosing your candidates. Give it to some local people. So what if that guy's famous and the deputy prime minister's wife likes him. Get a grip.
Signing out.
P.s. I wonder if my 'well-being' is going to be threatened for this post.