Merry Christmas/Happy New Year/Happy Chinese New Year/Happy Valentines Day/Happy Whatever.
Yes, this is as festive as I can get since this place is so full of rust/dust/whatever things that settles on something/somewhere that no one has touch for, say, 4 months.
So, I got bored and inspired at the same time to do something mildly 'creative' with paint.(This place is called damngraphic for a reason)
Obviously, I'm no Da Vinci, but I can be Picasso. I don't mind.(But I'm not cutting my ear off)
Blame emoperor for this.(Not really, but he held me responsible if/when he says tettekete, this is payback)
Oh, by the way, I finished 'high-school' and currently waiting for my results.
Which means one thing:
NO MORE TEACHERS FOR A PERIOD OF TIME(actually it's totally, because they're called lecturers in universities, whatever)
On a final note(for now), where is everyone?
Right, they have their own acquaintance.
Me too, in the form of a 12-inch monitor and 1.5-inch screen.
Not bad actually.
Quote shaun(usws) at twitter, computer. It doesn't expect flowers, jewelry or chocolates.