Friday, May 22, 2009

Random post of the month.

Lets see. I haven't been doing much drawing recently since I'm lazy.(As if anyone expects it)
Everyone else seems to be busy with their lives as well.
Seeing this place is getting filled with cogwebs, I'm thinking I should post something, for no particular reason, actually.
Hence the random post of the month.(Might not be random post of the month, but who knows)

People have blogs to talk about their own life, happenings, etc. etc.
This particular blog was actually a crazy idea cooked up by 3 crazies out of impulse.
Looking back at it, the reasons were those 3 crazies need to find a proper arena for an animal/insects battle, with pictures and fancy words.
Well, that battle ended with the high and mighty Emoperor tossing out humans as his trump card.
That was 2 years ago when the 3 of us was still in secondary school, or just finished, I don't quite remember.
Now that I think about it, (Emoperor and Kaeru might kill me for this) I think I was the one who actually psycho-ed the two of them into this idea.
Think about it. Both of them already have their personal blogs, except me. (I still remember hanging around Emoperor's blog leaving long 'battle reports' of the South Pacific Massacre [SPM])
Obvious isn't it. More obvious that I post things here the most.

After that make believe battle, more random things started coming up, in the form or complains about the school, it's people, and the urge to nuke it.
Damngraphic right? Complains and insults regarding your school is pretty graphic I have you know.
You could get reprimanded if found out. Part of the reason why anything I have on the internet does not directly link to my real and personal life, other than the people. They know who I am, if anyone ratted me out, I'd be dead years ago.
Those old post are really amusing. I didn't know I could come up with these interesting words to describe teachers. (The hell, flatulator? Derived from flatulents, in case you don't know)

Then even those stop. (Blame school examinations)
There were random things, but most of them have a topics.
Like my previous 'masterpieces'.(You get the idea)
Looking at them, I just post things with 'relevent' topics, nothing regarding my personal life or how I really think. Other than those anger induced rants about school and teachers.
I was never one to bare my soul to anyone, seriously.
You'd have to work for that.
And I mean it.
If anyone's thinking this particular person is going to start an all-out confession of some sort, fat chance.
Somethings are staying where I think it's comfortable. My own head.

This is as far as I'm going when it comes to being personal while not being in a stormy mood.
Why the suddenly nostalgic/personal(I'm overusing this word) post?
Blame the song Here Comes Goodbye by Rsscal Flatts(the meaning behind the song has got nothing to do with anything, I just like the melody and words) and Kaeru's comment that I'm deep. (I might dig deeper in the future, yet I might not)

Till next time.
Drawings or another rant? That's yet to be determined.

Signing off.