Saturday, April 21, 2007

Cockroach Conspiracy: It Continues..

Aww.. isn't this cockroach just adorable. Argh, snap out it! Cockroaches have mind control powers i tell you! They're EVIL! Not "i'm gonna step on your muffin" evil.. more like "i'm gonna step on your muffin and make you EAT it " EVIL! Ahhh...

Cockroach: You need a new mascot..
Me: I need a new mascot...
Cockroach: I'll be your new mascot...
Me: I'll be.. i mean, you'll be my new mascot...
Cockroach: Good.. [evil laugh]
New Mascot: Cockroach taking over the site

Mascot's Mother: Cockroach taking over the world

Okay, bye! I'll be serving my cockroach master if you need me.

Wriggling off,


Anonymous said...

takes out flame thrower and scorches said 'mascot' and his mom

Emoporer said...

Huh huh? What what? Where am i? What am i doing here? Why am i in a cockroach costume?!?

Lex said...

I guess you forgot.
You were in the cockroach costume, dancing the Hulla while KAeru was chasing you with a flame thrower.

Emoporer said...

Ohhh.... i remember something about WHORING though. Know anything about that?!

Lex said...

You were whoring your butt all over the net while doing all of the above.