So, no one has updated damngraphic in awhile. Again that leaves me.
Here's my excuse, no school, no crap to complain about. (What's your excuse? You know who you are)
I've been hanging around Emoperor's personal blog. Currently the heated discussion in his comments corner is about him turning into a girl. No, not literally. He's not doing any surgery whatsoever. It's about him developing girlly attributes. (Read his blog for more information)
Since I don't know what to write about, might as well do a list about what's so ungirl about me. (Emoperor did a list about how girl he is)
1. I don't go window shopping. I go out with my family and we pretty much have a clear idea what we need, so we don't walk around without aim. The places I would visit are games shops for consoles/handhelds and hobby shops for gundam model kits with my brother plus super markets with my mom.
2. I don't wear skirts. Other than my school uniform which I don't have a choice. Other than that, you're never going to find any skirts/dresses in my wardrobe. Plus I have absolutely no fashion sense. Ask Kaeru, I always have a black jacket on and I mean always. Addition to that, I don't shop for clothes.
3. There's absolutely nothing girly in my room. Again ask Kaeru. It's full of guy/not so girl stuff. Example, car models, gundam models, play station, plane models, jigsaw puzzles of cars and gundams, etc.
4. I don't go to hair dressers and start making a fuss about what hairstyle I should get or what treatment I want or bla bla bla. I only go there when my hair gets a bit too long. I always have it in a ponytail.
5. The part where I'm pretty sure I'm not girlly. I don't find guys hot. I don't go squealing about movie stars that some people find is a hunk/hot/handsome/whatever. When I watch a movie, I watch a movie. You get the point. I already mentioned in Emoperor's blog, I don't look around at people to see if they're hot/handsome/beautiful/whatever. Maximum would be their costumes that would make me laugh all day.
There. When I think of more I'll add to it.
Kaeru, Emoperor, it's your turn next. List something.
P.s. Not really damngraphic, I know, but there's nothing else to post. Plus some people is still MIA.
Thursday, May 31, 2007
Thursday, May 24, 2007
I avow injustice!! (that's my line!!!)
ok ok since 'some' people complaining dy. i shall tell you the sad sad tragic story of, "THE DUMBSHIT WHO TRIED TO GO AGAINST THE GREAT FROG."
Once upon a time, there was a fucktard(fucker/retard) named Chun Fei. He was the leader of the 'Blue Clan'. In other words, he's the biggest dummy for the evil puppeteer, 'The System'. (though there are a rare few who seem immune to the evil brainwashing of the evil System -coughlexcough-) Since his becoming of the System's little whore, he had had his eye on the one person that the System was not able to make succumb to its evilness. That person was none other than the great Frog. Chun fei tried to force the great Frog to bend to his master's will by using dirty tricks but the great Frog could see right through his guise. So the two faced off, good against evil. They had a heated battle which the great Frog left in frustration as the great Frog couldn't seem to get the message into the fucktard's thick and very much empty skull. This however lead the moron to believe that he has won. However the great Frog returned that very same day with heavy artilery which made Chun fei pee his pants in sheer fear of it.
As the dust settled, it was clear that there was only one who remained triumphant. The great Frog stood over the mangled corpse of the evil Systems puppet. Another one down. So the people celebrated and held a 7 day feast in honour of the great Frog's victory over the evil System's whore and created a giant bonfire with the felled Chun Fei's corpse. All was well and peace once again reigns over the earth.
SUDDENLY, A LOUD ROAR COULD BE HEARD COMING FROM THE CELEBRATORIAL FIRE AND A FIERY HIDEOUS CREATURE ROSE FROM THE FLAMES. THE PEOPLE PANICKED AND SCREAMED, RUNNING AROUND LIKE CHICKENS WITH THEIR HEADS CUT OFF. The great Frog picked up a shovel and bonked the creature on the head, silencing it once and for all. NOW all is trully well and peace once again, one more time, reigns over the earth.
Once upon a time, there was a fucktard(fucker/retard) named Chun Fei. He was the leader of the 'Blue Clan'. In other words, he's the biggest dummy for the evil puppeteer, 'The System'. (though there are a rare few who seem immune to the evil brainwashing of the evil System -coughlexcough-) Since his becoming of the System's little whore, he had had his eye on the one person that the System was not able to make succumb to its evilness. That person was none other than the great Frog. Chun fei tried to force the great Frog to bend to his master's will by using dirty tricks but the great Frog could see right through his guise. So the two faced off, good against evil. They had a heated battle which the great Frog left in frustration as the great Frog couldn't seem to get the message into the fucktard's thick and very much empty skull. This however lead the moron to believe that he has won. However the great Frog returned that very same day with heavy artilery which made Chun fei pee his pants in sheer fear of it.
As the dust settled, it was clear that there was only one who remained triumphant. The great Frog stood over the mangled corpse of the evil Systems puppet. Another one down. So the people celebrated and held a 7 day feast in honour of the great Frog's victory over the evil System's whore and created a giant bonfire with the felled Chun Fei's corpse. All was well and peace once again reigns over the earth.
SUDDENLY, A LOUD ROAR COULD BE HEARD COMING FROM THE CELEBRATORIAL FIRE AND A FIERY HIDEOUS CREATURE ROSE FROM THE FLAMES. THE PEOPLE PANICKED AND SCREAMED, RUNNING AROUND LIKE CHICKENS WITH THEIR HEADS CUT OFF. The great Frog picked up a shovel and bonked the creature on the head, silencing it once and for all. NOW all is trully well and peace once again, one more time, reigns over the earth.
Alright, second week of school is coming to an end. I don't have to study or rush about my homework today because they will be celebrating Teacher's Day tomorrow. This gives me time to crap.
Now, damngraphic wouldn't be damngraphic without at least digging up some dirt from somewhere. So, this dirt will be a continuation from the previous post.
The wierdos from the title is refering to the teachers.........again..............duh. (Sorry, can't think of any better callsign) Dirt from school of course have to involve them or else it wouldn't be graphical enough.
Now, subject number 1: Mathematics teacher for 6R1 and 6R3. PhD holder. Specialty, teaching the whiteboard, occasionally students. Shockingly, lessons are still understandable.
Subject number 2: Physics teacher of 6R3. Jumpy while teaching. Finishes a chapter in 4 days. Lessons leave no room for processing due to his speed of teaching.
Subject number 3: Economics teacher of 6R1. Certified hypnotist. Teaching can be interpreted with one letter, z. Multiply the zs for full effect.
Subject number 4: General paper teacher of 6R1. Saddist. Claims to dislike teaching the class. Can be considered a pressurizer of the class.
Subject number 5: MUET teacher of 6R3. Teaches American history, Malaysian history, sex education, religion, and english in the same day.
(Subject number 3 and 4 provided by Princess Angeline at
All the subjects are chosen based on it's interesting nature, not due to any prejudism.
That's the dirt for today. More will be revealed tomorrow after Weir....Teacher's Day.
P.s. I avow injustice towards the other Damngraphicers for Missing In Action from Damngraphic for too long while still Appearing In Action in their respective blogs.
Now, damngraphic wouldn't be damngraphic without at least digging up some dirt from somewhere. So, this dirt will be a continuation from the previous post.
The wierdos from the title is refering to the teachers.........again..............duh. (Sorry, can't think of any better callsign) Dirt from school of course have to involve them or else it wouldn't be graphical enough.
Now, subject number 1: Mathematics teacher for 6R1 and 6R3. PhD holder. Specialty, teaching the whiteboard, occasionally students. Shockingly, lessons are still understandable.
Subject number 2: Physics teacher of 6R3. Jumpy while teaching. Finishes a chapter in 4 days. Lessons leave no room for processing due to his speed of teaching.
Subject number 3: Economics teacher of 6R1. Certified hypnotist. Teaching can be interpreted with one letter, z. Multiply the zs for full effect.
Subject number 4: General paper teacher of 6R1. Saddist. Claims to dislike teaching the class. Can be considered a pressurizer of the class.
Subject number 5: MUET teacher of 6R3. Teaches American history, Malaysian history, sex education, religion, and english in the same day.
(Subject number 3 and 4 provided by Princess Angeline at
All the subjects are chosen based on it's interesting nature, not due to any prejudism.
That's the dirt for today. More will be revealed tomorrow after Weir....Teacher's Day.
P.s. I avow injustice towards the other Damngraphicers for Missing In Action from Damngraphic for too long while still Appearing In Action in their respective blogs.
Friday, May 18, 2007
Alright, since it's a Friday, I have all the time I need (I hope) to crap.
First, I'll explain a bit of the equation from the previous post.
The equation is of the things teachers from my school wants us form 6 students to do and be refered as.
For those who are interested, I just returned to school last Tuesday with Kaeru for form 6 (same as pre-university except we're in high-school). Instead of the nice and warm welcome, we're hit in the face with the not so shocking reality of how scary/terrifying/horrific/whatever life of form 6 is. Screw happy reunions and exchange of happy holiday encounters. The teachers seem to be enjoying themselves to get rid of as many students as possible by showing statistics and comparing form 6 life with college/university or whatever life for that matter. They have the words welcome to hell written all over their foreheads. Makes me wonder why they have form 6 in the first place if it's so hellish that it'll kill you.
Looks like I've drifted way off. Sorry.
Lets look at he equation.
Behave (insert age) : This is something the teacher said to us. Looks simple enough but according to Kaeru, she didn't say the age we're suppose to behave like. I have to agree.
Set (insert adjective) example : This is something I came up with. The teacher said set an example to the other students because we're pre-university students/normal students/babies/super-seniors. She didn't say what type of example.
Pre-university students x normal students : This particular teacher said we're the same level as pre-university but we will be treated like high school students.
Babies (Emoperor: EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!) x super-seniors : This is the best part. Another teacher refer us as babies/her babies and in less than one hour we got promoted to super-seniors.
Study - time - play : I am pretty sure I don't have to explain this. Unless there's someone pretty dense/sleepy/tired/whatever, in form 6 we're suppose to study all the time, we don't have time for anything else and definitely no playing.
Put everything together, we flush our life down the toilet.
Makes you think I'm a masochist to actually go to a place like that. I'm not, but I am a tad bit sadistic, depending on the situation.
Ok, I'm not very happy with everything that is thrown at my face for the first week of school. Now come to think of it, screw you. I'm sticking around. I just need a few days/hours to get rid of the feeling of fear/doubt.
Kaeru, we can get through this. If you're willing to stick around with me, I swear I'll try everything I can to get both of us through (that's if I'm helpful in the first place).
Emoperor : EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!! (non-stop since the babies part)
First, I'll explain a bit of the equation from the previous post.
The equation is of the things teachers from my school wants us form 6 students to do and be refered as.
For those who are interested, I just returned to school last Tuesday with Kaeru for form 6 (same as pre-university except we're in high-school). Instead of the nice and warm welcome, we're hit in the face with the not so shocking reality of how scary/terrifying/horrific/whatever life of form 6 is. Screw happy reunions and exchange of happy holiday encounters. The teachers seem to be enjoying themselves to get rid of as many students as possible by showing statistics and comparing form 6 life with college/university or whatever life for that matter. They have the words welcome to hell written all over their foreheads. Makes me wonder why they have form 6 in the first place if it's so hellish that it'll kill you.
Looks like I've drifted way off. Sorry.
Lets look at he equation.
Behave (insert age) : This is something the teacher said to us. Looks simple enough but according to Kaeru, she didn't say the age we're suppose to behave like. I have to agree.
Set (insert adjective) example : This is something I came up with. The teacher said set an example to the other students because we're pre-university students/normal students/babies/super-seniors. She didn't say what type of example.
Pre-university students x normal students : This particular teacher said we're the same level as pre-university but we will be treated like high school students.
Babies (Emoperor: EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!) x super-seniors : This is the best part. Another teacher refer us as babies/her babies and in less than one hour we got promoted to super-seniors.
Study - time - play : I am pretty sure I don't have to explain this. Unless there's someone pretty dense/sleepy/tired/whatever, in form 6 we're suppose to study all the time, we don't have time for anything else and definitely no playing.
Put everything together, we flush our life down the toilet.
Makes you think I'm a masochist to actually go to a place like that. I'm not, but I am a tad bit sadistic, depending on the situation.
Ok, I'm not very happy with everything that is thrown at my face for the first week of school. Now come to think of it, screw you. I'm sticking around. I just need a few days/hours to get rid of the feeling of fear/doubt.
Kaeru, we can get through this. If you're willing to stick around with me, I swear I'll try everything I can to get both of us through (that's if I'm helpful in the first place).
Emoperor : EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!! (non-stop since the babies part)
Not a good start.
Ok, I typed a hell of a lot of stuff about school and bla bla bla when my computer decided not to respond. I have no intention to type the whole thing again because I have an appointment. So, I'm just going to leave with this equation and you try to figure it out.
Behave (insert age) + Set (insert adjective) example + (pre-university students x normal students) / (babies x super-seniors) x study - time - play = no life
I might explain it sometime later.
I got to go now, someone's waiting for me for a midnight dinner in hell.
P.s. Don't stress yourself on the mathematical symbols.
Behave (insert age) + Set (insert adjective) example + (pre-university students x normal students) / (babies x super-seniors) x study - time - play = no life
I might explain it sometime later.
I got to go now, someone's waiting for me for a midnight dinner in hell.
P.s. Don't stress yourself on the mathematical symbols.
Saturday, May 12, 2007
Anime Quotes.
Since no one's posting anything, I will continue with quotes.
This time from animes.
I am putting a list of quotes that I found amusing. (Take note, I said amusing, it could be funny, interesting or just weird)
All quotes are picked from various websites and I have heard most of it myself.
1. "You're thinking in Japanese! If you must think, do it in German!" - Asuka Langley Soryu (Evangelion)
2. "Stop making me repeat myself! Its bad for my health!" - Duo Maxwell (Gundam Wing)
3. "Don't tell me he wants to conquer the world? Can't he come up with something more original?" - Lina Inverse (Slayers)
4. "You're a GIRL?!" - Faye talking to Ed (Cowboy Bebop)
5. "Kira Yamato : You''re a girl?!
Cagalli Yula Attha: Whatta ya think?
Kira Yamato : No, no it just reminded me again that you are a girl.
Cagalli Yula Attha: That amounts to the same thing jackass!" (Gundam Seed)
6. "Minako : Aren't you with Haruka today?
Michiru : I am.
Rei : Where? Where is this cute guy? Where?
Makoto : Where? Where is the guy that looks like the upperclassman we know?
Minako : Where is he?
*Michiru points to Haruka* *Minako screams*
Rei : A girl.......
Makoto : .......right?
Haruka : I don't recall ever saying I was a guy." (Sailor Moon)
7. "The interaction of men and women isn't very logical." - Dr. Ritsuko Akagi (Neon Genesis Evangelion)
8. "If you die, I'll kill you!" - Zoro (One Piece)
9. "I am Valentinez Alkalinelia Xifax Sicidabohertz Gumbigobillo Blue Stradivari Talentrent Pierre Andri Charton-Haymoss Ivanovicci Baldeus George Doitzel Kaiser. Don't hesitate to call." - Vash introducing himself to Wolfwood (Trigun)
10. "That's some good advice. Maybe I should write that down, frame it, and stick it up on my wall." - Colonel Karl Lichen Schubaltz (Zoids Chaotic Century)
11. "My name is VASH THE STAMPEDE!! Forgive the lack of warning, but it's time for my daily massacre! If you do not believe I am the real thing, take a good look at me and start freaking out!!" - Vash (Trigun)
12. "There are three things I hate the most: Kids, pets, & women with additude. So tell me, why do we have all of them packed into our ship!?" - Spike Spiegel (Cowboy Bebop)
13. "I wouldn't mind if you want to kill me, but I might struggle a bit" - Trowa Barton (Gundam Wing)
14. "Oh, man, Quatre loves to blame himself for everything if you let him. Sooner or later, he'll start saying that there's no air in space because he didn't work on it hard enough." - Duo Maxwell (Gundam Wing)
15. ""Goku! I'd rather die than fuse with you!"
"But Vegeta, we're already dead!"" - Goku and Vegeta (Dragon Ball Z)
16. "Tenjou Tenga Ichigeki Hissatsu Hou!! Energy charge 120%
translation: (Heaven and Earth One Shot Sure Kill Cannon)" - Ryusei Date (Super Robot War: Original Generation)
17. "I came to laugh at you!" - Char Aznable (Gundam)
18. Sanzo says, "Think with your brain, monkey,” and whapps Goku on the head.
Goku whines, "It's hard to do with a concussion!" - (Saiyuki)
19. Sanzo: You've got 10 whole seconds to tell me who's violated the forbidden tenant and who's responsible for this bloody uprising?
*Demon pauses.... Sanzo fires*
Demon: You said 10 seconds, that was only 2!
Sanzo: I suck at math. - (Saiyuki)
20. "If I knew that I was going to die today, I wouldn't have done all that homework over vacation!" - Tenchi Masaki (Tenchi Muyo!: Ryo-Ohki)
21. "People! Burning! Evaporating! Burning! Evaporating!"-Amuro Ray (Dubbed Mobile Suit Gundam Movie Trilogy) (a very bad dub)
22. "Anavel Gato : Do you realize who you're fighting?"
"Kou Uraki : Y..yes sir!"
"Anavel Gato : I'M THE ENEMY YOU IDIOT!" - (Gundam 0083 Stardust Memories)
23. "I think you burnt my underwear."- Young Gohan, after a sparring match with Piccolo (Dragon Ball)
24. "If you're cooperative, I'll turn you into something practical, like a toaster."- Vegeta, talking to Android Eighteen (Dragon Ball)
25. "Longing to see a man who tried to kill her? What a strange girl" -Duo Maxwell (Gundam Wing)
I think you notice in 4,5 and 6 that anime characters are no different than us when it comes to indentifying character genders. (yes, I have a hard time trying to figure out gender for characters. Have you even tried playing Devil Kings/Sengoku Basara? I swear Frost/Uesugi Kenshin looks like girl!)
If I find more, I'll make another list.
Have a nice day.
This time from animes.
I am putting a list of quotes that I found amusing. (Take note, I said amusing, it could be funny, interesting or just weird)
All quotes are picked from various websites and I have heard most of it myself.
1. "You're thinking in Japanese! If you must think, do it in German!" - Asuka Langley Soryu (Evangelion)
2. "Stop making me repeat myself! Its bad for my health!" - Duo Maxwell (Gundam Wing)
3. "Don't tell me he wants to conquer the world? Can't he come up with something more original?" - Lina Inverse (Slayers)
4. "You're a GIRL?!" - Faye talking to Ed (Cowboy Bebop)
5. "Kira Yamato : You''re a girl?!
Cagalli Yula Attha: Whatta ya think?
Kira Yamato : No, no it just reminded me again that you are a girl.
Cagalli Yula Attha: That amounts to the same thing jackass!" (Gundam Seed)
6. "Minako : Aren't you with Haruka today?
Michiru : I am.
Rei : Where? Where is this cute guy? Where?
Makoto : Where? Where is the guy that looks like the upperclassman we know?
Minako : Where is he?
*Michiru points to Haruka* *Minako screams*
Rei : A girl.......
Makoto : .......right?
Haruka : I don't recall ever saying I was a guy." (Sailor Moon)
7. "The interaction of men and women isn't very logical." - Dr. Ritsuko Akagi (Neon Genesis Evangelion)
8. "If you die, I'll kill you!" - Zoro (One Piece)
9. "I am Valentinez Alkalinelia Xifax Sicidabohertz Gumbigobillo Blue Stradivari Talentrent Pierre Andri Charton-Haymoss Ivanovicci Baldeus George Doitzel Kaiser. Don't hesitate to call." - Vash introducing himself to Wolfwood (Trigun)
10. "That's some good advice. Maybe I should write that down, frame it, and stick it up on my wall." - Colonel Karl Lichen Schubaltz (Zoids Chaotic Century)
11. "My name is VASH THE STAMPEDE!! Forgive the lack of warning, but it's time for my daily massacre! If you do not believe I am the real thing, take a good look at me and start freaking out!!" - Vash (Trigun)
12. "There are three things I hate the most: Kids, pets, & women with additude. So tell me, why do we have all of them packed into our ship!?" - Spike Spiegel (Cowboy Bebop)
13. "I wouldn't mind if you want to kill me, but I might struggle a bit" - Trowa Barton (Gundam Wing)
14. "Oh, man, Quatre loves to blame himself for everything if you let him. Sooner or later, he'll start saying that there's no air in space because he didn't work on it hard enough." - Duo Maxwell (Gundam Wing)
15. ""Goku! I'd rather die than fuse with you!"
"But Vegeta, we're already dead!"" - Goku and Vegeta (Dragon Ball Z)
16. "Tenjou Tenga Ichigeki Hissatsu Hou!! Energy charge 120%
translation: (Heaven and Earth One Shot Sure Kill Cannon)" - Ryusei Date (Super Robot War: Original Generation)
17. "I came to laugh at you!" - Char Aznable (Gundam)
18. Sanzo says, "Think with your brain, monkey,” and whapps Goku on the head.
Goku whines, "It's hard to do with a concussion!" - (Saiyuki)
19. Sanzo: You've got 10 whole seconds to tell me who's violated the forbidden tenant and who's responsible for this bloody uprising?
*Demon pauses.... Sanzo fires*
Demon: You said 10 seconds, that was only 2!
Sanzo: I suck at math. - (Saiyuki)
20. "If I knew that I was going to die today, I wouldn't have done all that homework over vacation!" - Tenchi Masaki (Tenchi Muyo!: Ryo-Ohki)
21. "People! Burning! Evaporating! Burning! Evaporating!"-Amuro Ray (Dubbed Mobile Suit Gundam Movie Trilogy) (a very bad dub)
22. "Anavel Gato : Do you realize who you're fighting?"
"Kou Uraki : Y..yes sir!"
"Anavel Gato : I'M THE ENEMY YOU IDIOT!" - (Gundam 0083 Stardust Memories)
23. "I think you burnt my underwear."- Young Gohan, after a sparring match with Piccolo (Dragon Ball)
24. "If you're cooperative, I'll turn you into something practical, like a toaster."- Vegeta, talking to Android Eighteen (Dragon Ball)
25. "Longing to see a man who tried to kill her? What a strange girl" -Duo Maxwell (Gundam Wing)
I think you notice in 4,5 and 6 that anime characters are no different than us when it comes to indentifying character genders. (yes, I have a hard time trying to figure out gender for characters. Have you even tried playing Devil Kings/Sengoku Basara? I swear Frost/Uesugi Kenshin looks like girl!)
If I find more, I'll make another list.
Have a nice day.
Friday, May 11, 2007
I was reading a profile of a fanfiction writer on when I came upon this list of quotes that I find rather interesting, so I thought I'd share it.
1. No I won't go to hell! I've got a restraining order (nice way to get back at people)
2. It's better to look stupid than to open your mouth and prove it. (this actually make sense)
3. I can resist everything except temptation. (whatever)
4. "I told my psychiatrist that everyone hates me. He said I was being ridiculous - everyone hasn't met me yet." (he's got a point there)
5. You have to stay in shape. My grandmother, she started walking five miles a day when she was 60. She's 97 today and we don't know where the hell she is. (uhh..........)
6. Dear daughter, I hope you're doing fine in the abroad. I still don't understand why your father and I didn't have you removed but I am sure you're having a good time over there, far far away from here. Much love, your mother... (what?.....)
7. Why are there posters everywhere about sexy underwear and stuff like that? If you get a present you're happy with the content of it, not the wrapping. Are you? (I have no clue what this is about)
8. God is just a nasty old man looking down at us with a hand full of popcorn, enjoying a reality show. (specially for Kaeru)
9. Praying out loud is just the same as talking to yourself. Why do we call 'praying' normal when we're calling 'talking out loud to no one in particular' crazy? (I kind of agree with this)
10. I don't make jokes. I just watch the government and report the facts. (interesting)
11. If you need space join NASA! (nice)
12. It's only funny until someone gets hurt, then after that it becomes hilarious. (sadistic)
13. Suicide hotline...please hold... (who came up with this?)
14. The best criminality is on the good side of the law. (sure......)
Just a little something. As you can see from my own comments, I have no clue what some of it is about but some of it is actually make a lot of sense.
What do you think?
Signing off.
1. No I won't go to hell! I've got a restraining order (nice way to get back at people)
2. It's better to look stupid than to open your mouth and prove it. (this actually make sense)
3. I can resist everything except temptation. (whatever)
4. "I told my psychiatrist that everyone hates me. He said I was being ridiculous - everyone hasn't met me yet." (he's got a point there)
5. You have to stay in shape. My grandmother, she started walking five miles a day when she was 60. She's 97 today and we don't know where the hell she is. (uhh..........)
6. Dear daughter, I hope you're doing fine in the abroad. I still don't understand why your father and I didn't have you removed but I am sure you're having a good time over there, far far away from here. Much love, your mother... (what?.....)
7. Why are there posters everywhere about sexy underwear and stuff like that? If you get a present you're happy with the content of it, not the wrapping. Are you? (I have no clue what this is about)
8. God is just a nasty old man looking down at us with a hand full of popcorn, enjoying a reality show. (specially for Kaeru)
9. Praying out loud is just the same as talking to yourself. Why do we call 'praying' normal when we're calling 'talking out loud to no one in particular' crazy? (I kind of agree with this)
10. I don't make jokes. I just watch the government and report the facts. (interesting)
11. If you need space join NASA! (nice)
12. It's only funny until someone gets hurt, then after that it becomes hilarious. (sadistic)
13. Suicide hotline...please hold... (who came up with this?)
14. The best criminality is on the good side of the law. (sure......)
Just a little something. As you can see from my own comments, I have no clue what some of it is about but some of it is actually make a lot of sense.
What do you think?
Signing off.
Monday, May 7, 2007
Happy Birthday, Emoperor.
Today is a special day for Emoperor, so I figured, lets make him a post.

Reason : I didn't get him a present (you know how much stuff can cost these days?)
Anyway, lets give you a cake, Emoperor.

(The kid is an inside joke. You'll understand, right Kaeru, Emoperor?)
Now a little info.
Birthstone : Emerald
Birth flower : Sunflower, Lily of the Valley
Birthday stone : Pearl (not a stone, I know, ask wikipedia why)
(The Birthday stone is based on today, which is Monday. I have no clue what is the actual day)
That's all.
Thursday, May 3, 2007
death to the gods
"Men create gods after their own image, not only with regard to their form but with regard to their mode of life."

gods are created by our beliefs.
so how do you kill a god? stop believing.
so who kills gods? atheists
no more beliefs

no more praying
Tuesday, May 1, 2007
Bring in the Gods!
Fine, lets bring in the gods.
Again, this of course is related to me in a way. (That's what the horror scopes say)
Scorpio is associated with Ares.
Fear the wrath of the Gods.
Death Immuned
[notice this is actually a parody of the real movie - read the contents of the poster]
THE END - Wow, that was short and quick!
the ultimate attack!!!
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