Saturday, June 2, 2007

Happy Birthday, Kaeru.

I try to be as fair as possible to everyone I know. Since I did this for Emoperor's birthday, this one's for Kaeru.
Here's a picture for you.

(It seems I just like to mess around with birthday people)

The info.

Birthstone : Pearl (I said it before, I'm going to say it again, ask wikipedia why it isn't a stone)

Birth flower : Honeysuckle, Rose

Birthday stone : Sapphire

Since I'm being fair, that's it.




Emoporer said...

HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! OMG... must go PARTYing soon! Never too late right?

Enjoy your B'day!

Anonymous said...

thanks guys!!! btw what a honeysuckle?
darn you!!! you just had to go and put sailormoon didn't you

Lex said...

"btw what a honeysuckle?" - The usual, check wikipedia.

"darn you!!! you just had to go and put sailormoon didn't you" - Like I said, I like to mess with birthday people.