Monday, November 12, 2007

Here We Go Again............

After a very long time of not posting (a very,very,.......very long time) because of insufficient sources/laziness/tiredness/whatever. What better way to draw attention than to bring in the latest news that everyone wants to know.
*No, this has got nothing to do with politics/rallies/cops/fire engines/tear gases.

Lets refresh back to about Jun 2007.
Remember PhD a.k.a. Permanent Head Damager?
Yes, he's still around but I still have no clue what's wrong with him.

Instead of just coming to class to do his usual routine (write on the board, talk to the board, give work, leave), he dicide to start things off today with telling everyone about there's no spoonfeeding in university, many people from form 6 can't coupt university.

PhD: you must study hard........... many cannot coupt in university...............lecturer just come use disket, you just copy........everyone can become lecturer......even need to teach...........(here it becomes interesting).........tuition..........that one Happy Garden............everyone think he's so qualification...............rotten heart.........don't study, go give tuition, you can make money............that one drop out of stpm also can make 10000 a qualification...........parents don't know........some school magazine got show teachers qualification.........this school don't have.........that's why parents think he so need qualification..........just need to know how talk big in front of students.........just know how to bark in front of students.................(here is another drift from his lecture)........prefects.......everytime come late to class.........some even miss class on purpose...........your main thing is study.........prefect only secondary must be punctual..............last time a prefect is punctual........he can also get 5 in oug...........(this is when the bell rings and after a few more words, he left)

The above reconstruction of the PhD's lecture is based solely on the memory of one person. The lecture lasted roughly 35 minutes. The class was only given one math question and no answer was given for that particular question.

As to not be bias, I leave it to whoever/whatever it is who's reading to be the judge on this incident and what is the verdict on this perculiar behaviour.

Signing off.


Anonymous said...

Permanent Head Damager... Yay, now i've got a new name to call smart people. LOL!!

I be verdict! Biasalah tu.. Haha, amazing how he can say so much without looking at you or opening his mouth that big. But i guess when you've been repeating the same thing over and over and over again, it gets really easy. XD

He should go to that school that shows the qualifications in the magazine. Then everyone would know he has Permanent Head Damage/is a Permanent Head Damager.


Lex said...

Finally, I was counting on you to be the verdict.