Monday, May 7, 2007

Happy Birthday, Emoperor.

Today is a special day for Emoperor, so I figured, lets make him a post.
Reason : I didn't get him a present (you know how much stuff can cost these days?)
Anyway, lets give you a cake, Emoperor.

(The kid is an inside joke. You'll understand, right Kaeru, Emoperor?)

Now a little info.

Birthstone : Emerald

Birth flower : Sunflower, Lily of the Valley

Birthday stone : Pearl (not a stone, I know, ask wikipedia why)

(The Birthday stone is based on today, which is Monday. I have no clue what is the actual day)

That's all.




Anonymous said...

OMG!! you're actually encouring his pedoness!!
happy birthday!!

Lex said...

Lets cut him some slack since it's his birthday.

Emoporer said...

OHHH... i baru faham the "inside joke", lol i'm slow~

Yay, thank you again for the bday wishes, presents, whatever you wanna call them (and the *cute* boy OMG)

p.s. PEARL is fine with me, stone or not. (i'm already too much of a rock anyway)

Anonymous said...

in the hand s of a great artist, even a rock can become a masterpiece. e.g statue of david (not ji chen david, the famous david. lol)

Lex said...

Well David (Ji Chen) is considered a 'masterpiece' but I have no idea who's the 'great artist' who's responsible.
You don't always see a walking movie on the street these days.

Emoporer said...


p.s. Hug a rock, hug me!