Sunday, September 9, 2007


Come on!
Where's everyone?
Major in need of entertainment/stress relievant/fun instiller/whatever!
All of a sudden it's all quiet.
No major news? No earth shattering phenomenon? No soul moving, sappy sappy, cheesy cheesy story?
What happened to all those dissing/trash talking/insinuating posts/whatever that I can comment on?
I'm never going to get any answers, am I?
I guess not.
I think I'm going crazy.


P.s. Obviously I'm losing it.
P.p.s. Please destroy my school before I completely lose it.
P.p.p.s Or else I'll nuke it to the ground. (Preferred)

1 comment:

Emoporer said...

I thought i posted a comment here before... hmmm, strange. Unless it's Deja Vu!

But anyhow, no major news, no earth shattering phenomenon, and no soul moving sappy sappy cheesy story unless you wanna hear my life story.

Don't know, i think everyone just went dry and ran out of things to write about. Sorry...

BYE and good luck in nuking the school. Just make sure my mum isn't there. The rest can be annihilated all you want.