Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Latest news.

It's been a long time since anything has been posted and it seems other 'posters' are missing.
Here's a brief news flash on the others current situation.

Kaeru's stuck with a puppy.
Name: Lamy
Age: Unknown
Type: Shih Tzu
Colour: White + brown (unconfirmed)
Daily activity only involves taking care of said puppy.

Emoperor's still stuck in KBU.
Latest information can be found at his majesty's personal blog which includes the usual rambling of his misera...........uneventful life there.

I am currently still stuck in a miserable school.
Daily activity includes trying to numb myself of a lot of idiotic incidents which involves as....idiots in highschool and unwanted pressure from extreme studies. Combination of both is on the verge of unbearability.

~End of report~


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Everyone's stuck somewhere. Pity. I wouldn't mind being Lamy though. Mmm.. doggy biscuits. XD