Tuesday, June 5, 2007

David x Shaun. Scandal!

Now, I know I'm cruel, since I'm not even sure Emoperor actually saw that warning or not.
However, a deal is a deal.
When I said no post by that time, I'll post something specially for him.
So, since I still don't see any, here's the crap/turd/shit/junk/rubbish/whatever that me and Kaeru came up with.

On June 1, there was a report on http://usws.isgreat.org about a make out session in an elevator. The exact location of this incident is unknown but the individuals involve were only identified as David and Shaun. It is also stated that the incident was not a make out session but Shaun performing vertical CPR on David. Evidence were also provided showing the scene in the elevator.
Upon close inspection by our own reporter, tadpoles in summer, that is just a cover made to deceive the readers. Shaun was in fact the victim in this incident instead of the Good Samaritan performing vertical CPR. Shaun was raped in the elevator by David. It is unknown where and when this incident happened but our reporter managed to track down Shaun for more insights on this incident.
We found out that Shaun is 5 months pregnant with David’s child. Upon this discovery, David was asked to comment on this matter but he only said, “I don’t know what you’re talking about. Get lost.” According to this statement, we conclude that David refuse to take any responsibility.
On the question how Shaun, claimed to be male, was able to conceive a child, tadpoles in summer retrieved a medical report from So-Expensive-Don't-Even-Think-Bout-Coming-Here-Unless-You're-A-Millionaire Hospital (SEDETBCHUYAMH) stating Shaun had actually underwent an operation enabling him to have the female reproduction system.
With this latest find, there are reasons to believe that Shaun and David were previously acquainted. We were still unable to establish a clear connection between them until further notice. Investigations are currently undergoing to shed more light upon this matter.

There. Finally, something damngraphical (I hope).
Will continue anytime if Emoperor still refuse to surface.

Signing off.


Anonymous said...

emoperor, for your own good, i suggest you heed the warning of alexis. for the love of god, come out! ah!!!!

Emoporer said...

CRAP CRAP CRAP! I don't see no warnings anywhere!! *sob* Now you've exposed it!!! <- not the pregnant part, that's absolutely NOT true..

Tadpoles have bad eyesight in summer lah.. Don't trust! Believe Usws News that it WAS a life-saving session, not some uh.. gayish act!

LOL, how did David even get involved!? All of people!! Saylah some celebrity, like umm umm.. better not give anymore suggestions. BAD enough!

IF it's true, no wonder i feel so heavy and sensitive-like. HAHA, I'm gonna be a mother OR father OR something else!

Fuiyoh, i must be rich (i don't know just like i didn't know David raped me) to be able to go to So-Expensive-Don't-Even-Think-Bout-Coming-Here-Unless-You're-A-Millionaire Hospital.

Yes yes, acquainted.. We're acquainted too aren't we? But that doesnt make you or me pregnant, does it!?

PLEASE investigate more... People stare at me weird then YOUR fault!

Okay bye..

p.s. EEEEE, so damngraphic!

Anonymous said...

we're acquainted but we didn't rape each other.

Lex said...

I already gave you the warning.
Everyone saw it.
People who read don't care whether it's real or not as long as it's damngraphic.
Like what you said, nothing gets more readers than a scandal.

Anonymous said...

Well written article.